Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Onion update.....

Onion update.........

Onions Prevent Influenza Infection-Unproven! Summary of the eRumor:   This is a forwarded email about onions.   It says that during a 1919 influenza  scare farmers would cut onions and place them on plates to  ward off  infection.   It also warns about leftover onions and how they can be  poisonous to dogs.  The Truth:   There is no medical evidence that onions attracts viruses.  Onions have been  mythically thought to ward off diseases since the days of the bubonic plague  in the middle ages.   The web site does warn that onions are  unsafe for dogs and included the tasty vegetable on their list of toxins for  dogs.  Left over onions, alone, may not be toxic but can easily pick up contamination  from preparation utensils., a website in the United  Kingdom offering expert food safety tips, suggests using different cutting  boards when preparing meals and vegetables, to prevent cross-contamination.     The web site also warns that bacteria, viruses and parasites can grow in a  matter of 20 minutes on a cutting board that was used for uncooked meat if  not cleaned properly. It is not difficult for onions and other vegetables to  pick up  such microorganism that are invisible to the naked eye.  Natural  enzymes in vegetables may even inhibit growth.  If stored improperly, onions can eventually go bad.  The National Onion  Association posted suggestions on their web site regarding the storage of  unprepared onions recommending that be stored in a cool dry place where air  can be allowed to circulate.  Depending on the type, onions can be last in  storage between 30 to 180 days.  They also said that "Chopped or sliced  onions can be stored in a sealed container in your refrigerator for up to 7  days."     

Some Interesting View Points